Sunday Morning Announcements

Announcement Deadlines:  Wednesdays 5pm.
Graphic Design Deadlines:  Mondays Noon.

Anything after the deadline will go in the following weeks announcements.

Please note that our Sunday Morning worship services are highly programmed down to the minute.  We do include a little bit of buffer for things like the sermon running long.  But due to the time constraints of running two services, we are very intentional about what we can put into the short amount of time we have available on a Sunday.

Any announcement that does not meet the requirement of hitting 80% of the congregation will need to be focused as a graphic during our before slideshow.  We also only allow 2 announcements max per week – staff will determine what is most necessary for the congregation to know about.


Quick Links to Forms:

+General Announcement

+Quilt Announcement


NOTE: we have a high standard for our graphic. If you would like to design your own graphic, please use a service like or something similar (ask for input from one of our staff early on in your design phase to ensure it’s something that matches this standard). Our Projectors use a 16:9 aspect ratio and will need your image to be at least 1920px×1080px.

General Announcement Form

My Announcement Will Hit 80% of the Congregation


Graphic Design

Quilt Announcement form

If your are filling this form out after Thursday Noon