January 19, 2025 –
More Wine Anyone?
Finding Living Water:
How to Reconnect with God When You’re Running on Empty
Many of us are running on empty, with our emotional and spiritual tanks completely drained. Between work demands, family responsibilities, and the constant pressure to keep going, it’s easy to find ourselves spiritually dry and disconnected from God.
What Happens When We Run Out of Wine?
Just like the wedding at Cana where they ran out of wine, many of us find ourselves with nothing left to give. We’re poor in spirit and running on empty. But Jesus showed through this miracle that He can take our emptiness and fill it with something even better than what we had before.
Why Do We Look Away from the Light?
Often, we catch glimpses of God but quickly look away, distracted by the demands of life. We may spend brief moments in prayer or worship but fail to maintain that deep connection. This pattern of “looking and looking away” keeps us from experiencing the fullness of our relationship with God.
What Are We Using to Fill Our Empty Tanks?
Many of us turn to various substitutes to fill our emptiness:
- Binge-watching TV shows
- Alcohol or substances
- Inappropriate content online
- Overworking and helping others
- Social media and entertainment
While these things may provide temporary relief, they can’t satisfy our deepest need – connection with Jesus.
How Do We Stay Connected to the True Source?
Jesus said “I am the vine, you are the branches. Apart from me you can do nothing.” (John 15:5) To bear spiritual fruit, we must remain connected to Him. This means:
- Making time for prayer and Scripture
- Turning to Him first when we’re empty
- Being honest about our needs
- Regularly examining our schedules to see where God fits
Life Application
This week, take these practical steps to reconnect with your source of living water:
- Set aside dedicated time each day to pray honestly about your emptiness and need for God
- Identify what you typically turn to when feeling drained, and consciously choose to turn to God instead
- Look at your schedule and find specific ways to prioritize connection with God
Ask yourself:
- Where do I see evidence of spiritual dryness in my life?
- What am I using to fill my empty tanks instead of turning to God?
- What practical changes can I make to stay more consistently connected to Jesus?
- How might my life look different if I allowed God to truly be my source of living water?
Remember – God never intended for you to run dry. He wants to fill you with living water that will overflow into every area of your life.