Last Month Recap

Wins for The Kingdom!

  • We’ve launched 9 Connection Groups
  • We’ve hosted 2 Cookouts
  • We are launching “The Hangout
  • We hosted Transform Scott County’s “The Event” with over 300 people in attendance
  • We’ve been seeing people experience life change as they grow closer to Jesus and come back to church

Prayer Requests

Calling all Prayer Warriors

  • Please continue to pray for our Worship Pastor search team.  Our goal is to find the right person for the position.  Pray as we interview and sort through candidates.
  • Pray for the families in the apartments and in Stonecrest (the neighborhood next to the church) that we are reaching out to.
  • Pray over our Connection Groups as people engage in discipleship relationships with one another.

 Have a prayer request?  Join our Online Facebook Community to post it or contact our care ministry via email

Ephesians 1:18-19

I pray that the eyes of your heart may be enlightened in order that you may know the hope to which he has called you, the riches of his glorious inheritance in his holy people, 19 and his incomparably great power for us who believe. That power is the same as the mighty strength

Christmas Eve Eve

christmas eve eve2021 copy


of every dollar given at Harmony goes straight to Missions, the rest goes to creating stories of Kingdom Impact in the lives of those you touch!

Because of Your heart for the Kingdom…

We were able to deliver 148 pumpkins to Stone Crest to love on our neighbors and show them the practical love of Jesus!

We also delivered Halloween bags of candy to 92 apartments in Georgetown.

2021 10 28 12.08.23

Getting Sick
– by Kent Wagner

Advancing the Kingdom by Living for God and Loving People

I have something a little embarrassing to admit.  When I was in 7th grade I figured out that if I told my mom I was sick, she’d let me stay home from school.  So…  I of course stayed home ALOT.

I think I missed something like 40 days out of 90.  I’m not even sure that’s possible looking back, but I know it was a lot.  What did I do with all that time you ask?  I watched Days of our Lives of course, and I wasn’t about to miss what was going to happen in my stories ;).  On one of the days I was actually in school, my history teacher pulled me aside and said he knew I was missing a lot of school and knew I couldn’t be that sick.  He said to me, “Kent, all these other kids have been showing up and taking notes every day while you’ve sat at home and watched TV.  I’m going to flunk you unless you can get every page of notes copied before the end of this 9 weeks.”  He told me this with a week and a half to spare.

This was one of the first times in my life I can remember something being “up to me.”  Either I took responsibility or I failed, it was as simple as that.  I’ll never forget taking my buddy’s notebook home each night and spending hours copying every single word from his notebook to mine in order to just hopefully squeak by with more than a failing grade.

I’ve learned ALOT since those days about responsibility,      leadership, and how terrible of a show Days of Our Lives was 🙂 (not worth it).  The biggest thing I’ve learned is that as a leader, there are times when you have to make decisions that will affect the outcome – you have to make a choice and put in the time and effort to deliver on that choice.

I was recently reading about another teacher who was speaking to sick people.  I was reading from the historian Luke who was writing about this incident from Jesus’ life.  Jesus had been walking by this tax collector’s booth and saw a guy named Levi working the booth (his other name is Matthew and spoiler alert – he wrote the gospel of Matthew).  When Jesus saw Levi He called him to follow Him and Levi followed.  Luke proceeds to tell us that Levi got his buddies together and threw a party for Jesus.  That’s where we jump into the story.  The religious people have also gathered and they asked Jesus’ disciples this question, “Why do you eat and drink with tax collectors and sinners?”

This question is a loaded question.  The question is, “why do you go to bars?”  The question is, “do you KNOW the kind of people you’re affiliating with?”  The question is meant to point out that somethings is wrong because there is no way a holy person would hang out with such unholy people…

And then Jesus speaks.  I love it when Jesus speaks.  He is able to say in a handful of words what would take me 30 minutes in a sermon to bumble through.  Listen to his response:

Luke 5:31 & 32 “Jesus answered them, “It is not the healthy who need a doctor, but the sick. I have not come to call the righteous, but sinners to repentance.”

Get this, Jesus wasn’t concerned with those who were on the bus, He was concerned with those who were being left behind.

You might not know this, but Jesus was even called a drunkard and a glutton because he spent so much time with the wrong crowd (Luke 7:34).  Jesus came BECAUSE of and TO reach your buddy who drinks too much, the mom in that one group who gossips and is a bit too mean.  He came for the messy, rough outsiders.  He came for the sick and sinful to call them to repentance.

As I read about this kind of sick it hit me, when I was a kid I was pretending to be sick but was well, these people pretend to be well but are really sick.

For me, this is what Advancing the Kingdom is all about.  It’s following the leadership of our King and bringing healing to the sick and broken.

I told you, I’ve learned that leadership demands decisiveness and the ability to make choices and follow through.  Our choice as a church is to lean into the mission of Jesus.  It is to reach the sick, the disenfranchised, the spiritually blind.  This is why we do what we do with our outreach to Stonecrest.  This is why we are doing events like “The Hangout” at Country Boy.  Because we want to reach the lost.  We want to see people come into the Kingdom!

So, what can you do?

I recently had a really good-hearted person tell me how they had a friend who went to another church that they wanted to get to come to Harmony.  Actually, I’ve heard this a lot since moving here a little over a year ago.  Here’s the deal, if you have friends that are struggling to grow in their relationship with Jesus at another church, I’d love to have them get involved in our mission.  But I need you to hear me clearly, I don’t want to be the church that grows by stealing people from other churches – that’s like being a health spa for the physically fit.  That’s not who we are.  Rather, we are a field hospital for those who have been wounded and are far from God.  We are rescuers not romper room attendants.

So, what can you do?  Start to invite your friends who are far from God – your circle of 8.  Start to Bless them (click here to listen to our 5 week series on how to use the BLESS Practices to share with your circle of friends and family).

You can invest in and invite your friends who are far from God.  Start being intentional about caring about those who far from God and praying for them.

My prayer for our church is as we continue to grow more and more in the likeness of Jesus that I’d start to hear more conversations that start with, “I was talking to my neighbor who doesn’t go to church about Jesus…”

When that becomes the norm, then we will know, we are a church that is getting the sick…



Serving Jesus,

Kent A Wagner

Kent A. Wagner


Harmony Has Space to Lease

You’ve likely never seen just how big Harmony really is!  Did you know we have up to 12,000 square feet of undeveloped area as well as 10,000 square feet of Dock space available for lease?

If you know of a business looking for space, do us a favor and pass Harmony along.  Have them contact David for more info (502) 863-9830.

By getting this space leased, we can unleash more dollars for ministry to Advance the Kingdom!

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Get it on your calendar!

The Hangout

The Hangout

After 2nd Service

The First Sunday of Every Month

Come, buy your food, and hangout

@ Country Boy

Ministry Opportunity Classifieds

Kids Ministry Opportunity!

Kids Ministry Opportunity!

Urgently Seeking…

people to help with the new generation of Christ followers.  No experience necessary, all previous work backgrounds considered.  Helpful skills include being able to talk, listen, and see. All work materials given to you, no hard labor. Ideal candidates have the guts to help kids learn what Jesus is all about while also having fun. Schedule is 1 hour, 1-2 Sundays per month.



Urgently Seeking…

Looking for 8 to 10 couples or individuals interested in the following areas:

  • Visiting or calling shut-ins and praying with them.
  • Calling or texting people who need encouragement and praying with and for them.
  • Praying for/with people, families going through a life crisis
    Making or learning to make cards and send them to those who need encouragement.
  • Working the alter to assist those in need of prayer on Sunday mornings.
  • The Care team meets weekly on Thursday morning at 9AM at the church, (attendance not required) and The Card Ministry Team meets every Wednesday morning from 10 to 2 at the church

If any of these opportunities sound interesting or exciting to you, call Joel Shiflet at 513-720-2989 or email to or Connie Shiflet at 513-720-2988 or email to

Interested in Volunteering?

Select as many ministries as you are interested in learning more about. The leaders will get in touch to answer questions and help see if there is a good fit for you.


SEE HOW IT WORKS: Text $1 to (859) 459-0316, afterward text “refund” (no quotes) to get a refund.
In the future simply save the Text2Give number on your phone and text any amount (add ‘weekly’, ‘biweekly’, ‘monthly’, or ‘yearly’ for a recurring gift).

Command Description
$50 Donates $50 to to Harmony. You can type any amount; the dollar sign is optional (e.g. $50 and 50 both work).
give $50 Same as above.
give You will receive a response asking “how much you’d like to give”.
$50 missions Donates $50 to the missions fund. You can also give to the building fund this way (example: $50 building)
$50 weekly Sets up a recurring gift of $50 each week. Frequency options are ‘weekly’, ‘biweekly’, ‘monthly’, and ‘yearly’.
$50 missions weekly Sets up a recurring gift of $50 each week to the missions fund. Frequency options are ‘weekly’, ‘biweekly’, ‘monthly’, and ‘yearly’.
refund Refunds the previously given contribution. This command can only create a refund within 24 hours of giving the gift. If the previously given contribution started a recurring gift, the recurrence will also be canceled.
update Allows a donor to update their payment method or recurring gift.  You will receive a response with a link where you can make these changes. Please note: You can only update recurring gifts via text when the recurring gift was established via text giving.
unlink Unlinks a your phone from the text-to-give system. If you want to set-up two recurring gifts from two different methods, using “unlink” will allow the donor to set-up a secondary recurring gift from an additional method.
commands Provides the user with a list of the available generic text commands (will not include the unique specific keywords you have set up for your church)

HCC Financial Update

The Past 12 Weeks at a glance

by David Burchfield

For the last 12 weeks our giving is about 77% of plan.  As I stated in October’s report, we would typically see an uptick, but both attendance and giving seemed to have been impacted by fall break, maybe even more so coming out of the pandemic seems many people wanted to get away.  Finances are continuing to get tighter with the giving being flat.   We continue to look at where we can delay or push back on planned ministry expenses.

On a positive note, we have made significant progress on the transition from PushPay to Breeze.  Everything on our website now points to Breeze for online or text giving.   Just a reminder that switching from PushPay to Breeze saves us $4,200 per year in fees. Breeze is super simple to give for example $100, just text $100 to 859-459-0316 or click on “give online”   If you haven’t tried it, please pray and ask God what he would have you give.

Did you know that we received $ 401.81 in FREE Money from Kroger!   This was from 60 households connecting their Kroger Rewards to Harmony Christian Church via community rewards from May 30, 2021 to Aug 28, 2021.   If you use the Kroger app, it’s super simple (see the video below for an example of how to set it up) and we get a percentage of all spending using your Kroger rewards. If you haven’t done this, please check it out or give me a call to discuss.    Also, many other companies will do a match or percent to non-profit organizations, so please check where you work and where you spend.

Lastly, we have updated the information on the TV at the Generosity station in the lobby.   Please stop by to see the latest information.   Thank you for your generosity.

If you have any questions about giving options or the financial processes of the church, don’t hesitate to reach out to me and I will be glad to answer.    Thank you again for your generosity!   

-David Burchfield.

The Past 12 Weeks At a Glance

  • Avg weekly giving is $8644 about the same as Oct Report of $8646.
  • This is 87.5% of critical need.
  • It is 77% of full ministry need.
  • Avg weekly live attendance is 298 down slightly from 307 for Oct Report.
  • Total baptisms year to date is 10, no change from Oct Report.

*This amount DOES NOT reflect income from facility rentals (which was typically included in numbers on our Sunday morning slides).  It is offering only.

**These percentages DO include facility rental income.

Devotional Thought:  Josh Adkins

Each month one of the elders from our leadership team provides a little devotional encouragement for you.  Take a few minutes to be encouraged by this video:

Ministry Corner: 
Tech Team

by Dean Braunm
Production Manager


“Hey, what’s up harmony, it’s Dean or production manager here at harmony Christian charts. I’m excited to share some updates with you. Do you know that before COVID the year before that we only have around 31,000 people that we’d reach on Facebook through our online and all of our posts? So that’s wild and crazy yet 30 over 31,000 hundred. So to really, since COVID which act I set the dates in March, we have had over a hundred thousand different people that we’ve interacted with. Isn’t that crazy? That is reaching people from the United States, or you saw where South Africa. So it’s very important for our production team to bring and glorify God, the best way we can through our production for that reason, over a hundred thousand people since March of 2020.

And here’s, what’s pretty important.

We need help. We need volunteers to help support this ministry. It isn’t ministry, just like anything else. Some of you guys just think, maybe it’s just, we’re there to do some things for times on, but it’s not. It’s really a ministry because we have the front of the house, which is what goes on in the sanctuary. We have the lobby where the music plays and you mix it in there and then we also have online. So it’s a big deal. So we, you like audio, you like light, you like video. You like all that kind of stuff. I could really use you to help support the dancing.

And you know what?

We’ll give you free training. Hey, maybe next time you can even do this video :).

Right now. We have only eight volunteers. You know, this past year we have purchased and invested in this new equipment to better advance the kingdom. But I do want to let you guys know that this new equipment, we have been good stewards of our money to make sure that we take care of the church. You know, I just want to take this opportunity right now and say thank you to the church. Thank you for all your support. Thank you for investing into us. Thank you for being patient, when things go wrong. And I would also give a thing to all my production team out there. You know, we’ve got an amazing team. We’ve had churches come in over the last week and they were like, oh, you got, those are pretty cool. Uh, how do we do that? How do we do this? So that’s all because of our production team and the way that we invest into supporting our ministry so we can advance the kingdom. I’ll see you guys on stage.”

November Missions Information

amen house food donation georgetown ky

Our missions ministry helped organize the food drive for the Amen House’s Thanksgiving food drive.  Because of YOU, Harmony was able to give over 700lbs of food as well as $2,000 in gifts and tons of $15 gift cards.  Thank you for investing in our community and Advancing the Kingdom by living for God and loving people!

Also, our missions team is meeting soon to finalize our plans for support for the upcoming year.  Please be in prayer for us as we make commitments to support our missionaries in furthering the gospel.  We have been holding regular meetings to “Zoom” with potential mission projects all year long.

Did You Know:

Our Church has given $29,052 to Missions YTD (as of 10/28/21)

Upcoming Events

October 2024


170 Southgate Dr (170 Southgate Dr | 170 Southgate Dr (170 Southgate Dr, Georgetown, Kentucky 40324)
5:30 pm - 8:00 pm
November 2024
No event found!
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Isaiah 41:10
“So do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with my righteous right hand.”

Our Latest Podcasts

Harmony Christian Church
Harmony Christian Church
Week 2 - Oh Gehenna
  • Week 2 - Oh Gehenna

    Week 2 - Oh Gehenna

    Oct 14, 2024 • 41:47

    What if God gave you exactly what you wanted for eternity? Would it be heaven or hell? Think about it while Kent digs deep into what the Bible says about hell. EASY TO GIVE at Harmony, text any amount to (859) 459-0316 to get started (or give online @…

  • Week 1 - Dealing with Death

    Week 1 - Dealing with Death

    Oct 9, 2024 • 43:39

    Ever thought about why death feels so unnatural and final? Does God actually take our loved ones from us? How does your view of death shape how you live your life? Let’s wrestle with these big questions together.  Join us as Kent helps us dive into the hope Jesus offers.…

  • Week 5 - Guest Speaker: Brad Bowman

    Week 5 - Guest Speaker: Brad Bowman

    Oct 2, 2024 • 35:35

  • Week 4 - Fanning the Flame

    Week 4 - Fanning the Flame

    Sep 24, 2024 • 45:24

    Are we really investing in the next generation or just hoping they’ll turn out OK? Let’s talk about what it means to fan the flame in their lives. Join Kent this Sunday! EASY TO GIVE at Harmony, text any amount to (859) 459-0316 to get started (or give online @…

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Harmony Christian Church job opening children's pastor

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